A tool that provides clear goals, expectations, and feedback in the form of a score, to objectively measure fit or contribution to the company and own success.
Service Cost: POA
What is a Job Scorecard?
A job scorecard is a tool that provides clear goals, expectations, and feedback in the form of a score so that a new or existing member of the team can objectively measure fit or contribution to the company and own success.
Let’s begin with a few simple questions:
- Are performance reviews a difficult and complicated process for the team you manage or the company you work at?
- Are reviews a time consuming and awkward process where you work?
- Can you ramp up the performance review process to happen two or even four times a year if needed for a high-performance compliance management role?
- Do you rely solely on a CV check, interview and possibly a psychometric test to assess how well your company and someone new fit?
- If you are a university student or a job applicant, are you frustrated with the lack of feedback or being able to objectively assess how well you truly fit a role?
- Would you like to identify what are some of the skills holding you back from succeeding in a role?
If you answer yes to any of the questions above then read on!
Job scorecards have been around for a while. Few companies however know how to leverage them effectively as a tool for competitive advantage.
Of the few companies that do use scorecards and a lean approach, most use a manual or paper based system, limiting speed and scoring efficiency as well as the flexibility of use.
Food Safe is about helping people and companies in the food and related products succeed with training and auditing solutions!
Food Safe’s research and development team has developed yet another breakthrough solution.
The world’s first digitised scorecard for a Food Safety/Compliance/Quality Management/Supervision/Coordination role in a food company, at your fingertips!
By default, this sets the digital framework and benchmark for all position descriptions and scorecards at companies.

Why use a Job Scorecard?
The need for smart, transparent, and regular reviews against a performance standard is universal to all levels and demographics within a company, not just for millennials who get much of the recent headlines space because of their demand for regular and meaningful feedback about their performance.
What makes a Job Scorecard a unique tool?
A job scorecard:
- Clarifies the abilities, skills, and cultural fit needed to get to objectives set by the company
- Simplifies the role evaluation and personal fit assessment for a job applicant
- Streamlines the onboarding process
- Speeds up a regular performance review process at companies
- Promotes transparency of standards
- Sets clear expectations and goals linked to purpose or vision
- Objectively evaluates performance (against KPIs) that need to be tracked
- Saves companies time and resources
What are the key elements of a Job Scorecard if you are interested in building one at your company?
Purpose of Job:
Why this position exists. The overall and ultimate purpose within the organization.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI):
Visible and measurable evidence of success in the role. Specific outcomes, tasks, and areas of responsibility.
Core Values:
Behaviors demonstrating an understanding of/personal alignment with company values
Competency Standards:
Competencies and standards necessary to be successful in the role. Specific actions, tasks, and areas of responsibility.
Leadership skills and traits:
Leadership skills and traits necessary to be successful in a role.
Other compulsory requirements:
Additional requirements it takes to work with the company or its clients.
Is there a simple digitised Job Scorecard Assessment for a Food Safety/Compliance/Quality Manager/Supervisor/Coordinator role that I can quickly take?
Yes, there is!
Assess how you fit/perform in relation to a generic Food Safety / Compliance / Quality Manager / Coordinator / Supervisor role on offer and see how you score by taking the analysis quiz below.
What is Food Safe’s generic and simplified scorecard based on?
This scorecard is based on feedforward from global and kiwi food companies as well as Food Safe’s extensive experience as a result of collaborating across our wide, multi-sector network and helping clients and trainees succeed over the years.
What sets Food Safe’s digitised job scorecards apart?
What sets Food Safe’s digitised job scorecards apart? You get an instantly scored analysis within minutes for meeting top-line requirements emailed straight to your inbox!
Can Food Safe provide a food company or a trainee with a detailed and individualised analysis if needed?
Absolutely! A sample of the visual reports we can generate is below.

Can Food Safe provide a food company or a trainee with a detailed and individualised analysis if needed?
What is the toolbox of skills and knowledge Food Safe assists with to help people and companies succeed?
Regulatory Knowledge:
- New Zealand food safety legislation
- Risk Management Programme (RMP)/Food Safety Plans (FCP/FCP); Overseas market requirements
- Quality: ISO 9001; ISO 22000; FSSC 22000, Overseas Market Requirements
Technical Skills:
- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) NZQA unit standards: 28623, 28624, 28625
- Internal/external audits. NZQA unit standards: 8084, 8085 & 8086
- Corrective Action (CA) plans/reports; Root-Cause-Analysis (RCA) and Problem-solving
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) – Analyze for gaps, update and write SOPs
- Lean-manufacturing approach in the food sector. How 5S is applied in food factories. How/why GMP & 5S Overlap.
- Health and Safety (H&S) requirements
- Environmental requirements, including the implementation of standardised ISO 14000
Is there a job scorecard template available that can be used for any role?
Absolutely! Click on the ‘Enquire Now’ button and we will discuss this with you.
About Food Safe
Food Safe Ltd is Accredited by the New Zealand Government + is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with the Food Safety Bylaws and Verifier Audits right across New Zealand.
Our food safety training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!
Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading university microbiology experts, operations, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here
Here’s how we collaborate with companies
Also see what our HACCP Training is about
Companies we work with