Food E Numbers & Food Additives: Useful Information
The ‘E’ on E numbers on a food label stands for ‘Europe’. Food E Numbers are a set of codes for substances used as food additives. Commonly found on food labels, their safety assessment and approval are the responsibility of Regulatory Authorities
Having a single unified list for food additives was first agreed upon in 1962 with food colouring. In 1964, the directives for preservatives were added, in 1970 antioxidants were added, in 1974 emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners, and gelling agents were added as well.
Broad overview:
- E100–E199: Colours
- E200–E299: Preservatives
- E300–E399 (antioxidants, acidity regulators)
- E400–E499 (thickeners, stabilisers, emulsifiers)
- E500–E599 (acidity regulators, anti-caking agents)
- E600–E699 (flavour enhancer)
- E700–E799 (antibiotics)
- E900–E999 (glazing agents, gases and sweeteners)
- E1000–E1599 (additional additives)
Scroll Overview by Language
- हिंदी - खाना ई नंबर
- E100–E199: रंग की
- E200–E299: संरक्षक
- E300–E399: एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, अम्लता नियामक
- E400–E499: गाढ़ा करने वाले, स्थिर करने वाले, पायसीकारक
- E500–E599: अम्लता नियामक, एंटी-काकिंग एजेंट
- E600–E699: स्वाद बढ़ाने वाला
- E700–E799: एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं
- E900–E999: ग्लेज़िंग एजेंट, गैसें और मिठास
- E1000–E1599: अतिरिक्त योजक
- 中国人 - 食品 E 数字
- E100–E199: 颜色
- E200–E299: 防腐剂
- E300–E399: 抗氧化剂、酸度调节剂
- E400–E499: 增稠剂、稳定剂、乳化剂
- E500–E599: 酸度调节剂、抗结块剂
- E600–E699: 增味剂
- E700–E799: 抗生素
- E900–E999: 上光剂、气体和甜味剂
- E1000–E1599: 附加添加剂
- Português - Números E de alimentos
- E100–E199: Cores
- E200–E299: Conservantes
- E300–E399: Antioxidantes, reguladores de acidez
- E400–E499: Espessantes, estabilizantes, emulsificantes
- E500–E599: Reguladores de acidez, agentes antiaglomerantes
- E600–E699: Intensificador de sabor
- E700–E799: Antibióticos
- E900–E999: Agentes de revestimento, gases e adoçantes
- E1000–E1599: Aditivos adicionais
- Española - Números E de alimentos
- E100–E199: Colores
- E200–E299: Conservantes
- E300–E399: Antioxidantes, reguladores de la acidez
- E400–E499: Espesantes, estabilizadores, emulsionantes
- E500–E599: Reguladores de acidez, antiaglomerantes
- E600–E699: Potenciador del sabor
- E700–E799: Antibióticos
- E900–E999: Agentes de glaseado, gases y edulcorantes
- E1000–E1599: Aditivos adicionales
- Français - Numéros E alimentaires
- E100–E199: Couleurs
- E200–E299: Conservatrices
- E300–E399: Antioxydants, régulateurs d'acidité
- E400–E499: Épaississants, stabilisants, émulsifiants
- E500–E599: Régulateurs d'acidité, antiagglomérants
- E600–E699: Exhausteur de goût
- E700–E799: Antibiotiques
- E900–E999: Agents d'enrobage, gaz et édulcorants
- E1000–E1599: Additifs supplémentaires
- Bahasa Indonesia - Nomor Makanan E
- E100–E199: Warna
- E200–E299: Pengawet
- E300–E399: Antioksidan, pengatur keasaman
- E400–E499: Pengental, penstabil, pengemulsi
- E500–E599: Pengatur keasaman, zat anti penggumpalan
- E600–E699: Penambah rasa
- E700–E799: Antibiotik
- E900–E999: Agen kaca, gas dan pemanis
- E1000–E1599: Aditif tambahan
- Tiếng Việt - Số thực phẩm E
- E100–E199: Màu sắc
- E200–E299: Chất bảo quản
- E300–E399: Chất chống oxy hóa, chất điều chỉnh độ axit
- E400–E499: Chất làm đặc, chất ổn định, chất nhũ hóa
- E500–E599: Chất điều chỉnh độ axit, chất chống đóng bánh
- E600–E699: Tăng hương vị
- E700–E799: Thuốc kháng sinh
- E900–E999: Chất làm bóng, chất khí và chất làm ngọt
- E1000–E1599: Phụ gia bổ sung
- עברית: Food E מספרים
- צבעים: E100–E199
- חומרים משמרים: E200–E299
- נוגדי חמצון, מווסת חומציות: E300–E399
- מעבים, מייצבים, מתחלבים: E400–E499
- מווסת חומציות, חומרים נגד התגבשות: E500–E599
- משפר טעם: E600–E699
- אַנְטִיבִּיוֹטִיקָה: E700–E799
- חומרי זיגוג, גזים וממתיקים: E900–E999
- תוספים נוספים: E1000–E1599
- أرقام الغذاء ه - عربي
- E100–E199: الألوان
- E200–E299: مواد حافظة
- E300–E399: مضادات الأكسدة، منظمات الحموضة
- E400–E499: مكثفات، مثبتات، مستحلبات
- E500–E599: منظمات الحموضة، عوامل مضادة للتكتل
- E600–E699: نكهة معززة
- E700–E799: مضادات حيوية
- E900–E999: عوامل التزجيج والغازات والمحليات
- E1000–E1599: إضافات إضافية
- English - E Numbers
- E100–E199: Colours
- E200–E299: Preservatives
- E300–E399: Antioxidants, acidity regulators
- E400–E499: Thickeners, stabilisers, emulsifiers
- E500–E599: Acidity regulators, anti-caking agentsl
- E600–E699: Flavour enhancer
- E700–E799: Antibiotics
- E900–E999: Glazing agents, gases and sweeteners
- E1000–E1599: Additional additives
- Deutsch - Lebensmittel-E-Nummern
- E100–E199: Farben
- E200–E299: Konservierungsmittel
- E300–E399: Antioxidantien, Säureregulatoren
- E400–E499: Verdickungsmittel, Stabilisatoren, Emulgatoren
- E500–E599: Säureregulatoren, Trennmittel
- E600–E699: Geschmacksverstärker
- E700–E799: Antibiotika
- E900–E999: Überzugsmittel, Gase und Süßstoffe
- E1000–E1599: Zusätzliche Zusatzstoffe
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Symbols: A or α = alpha; β = beta; δ = delta; γ = gamma.
- COLOURS (E100 to E199)
- [ रंग की / 颜色 / Cores / Colores / Couleurs/ Warna / Màu sắc / الألوان / Farben / צבעים ]
- E100–E107 Yellows
- 100 Curcumin or turmeric
- 101 Riboflavin
- 101 Riboflavin-5′-phosphate sodium
- 102 Tartrazine
- 103 Alkanet or Alkannin
- 104 Quinoline yellow
- E110–E111 Oranges
- 110 Sunset yellow FCF
- E120–E129 Reds
- 120 Cochineal or carmines or carminic acid
- 122 Azorubine or Carmoisine
- 123 Amaranth
- 124 Ponceau 4R
- 127 Erythrosine
- 129 Allura red AC
- E130–E139 Blues and violets
- 132 Indigotine
- 133 Brilliant Blue FCF
- E140–E149 Greens
- 140 Chlorophyll
- 141 Chlorophyll-copper complex
- 141 Chlorophyllin copper complex, sodium and potassium salts
- 142 Green S
- 143 Fast green FCF
- E150–E159 Browns and blacks
- 150a Caramel I
- 150b Caramel II
- 150c Caramel III
- 150d Caramel IV
- 151 Brilliant black BN or Brilliant Black PN
- 153 Carbon blacks or Vegetable carbon
- 155 Brown HT
- E160–E199 Gold and others
- 160a Carotene
- 160b Annatto extracts
- 160c Paprika oleoresins
- 160d Lycopene
- 160e b-apo-8′-Carotenal
- 160f b-apo-8′-Carotenoic acid methyl or ethyl ester
- 161a Flavoxanthin
- 161b Lutein
- 161c Kryptoxanthin
- 161d Rubixanthin
- 161e Violoxanthin
- 161f Rhodoxanthin
- 162 Beet red
- 163 Anthocyanins or Grape skin extract or Blackcurrant extract
- 164 Saffron or crocetin or crocin
- 170 Calcium carbonate
- 171 Titanium dioxide
- 172 Iron oxide
- 173 Aluminium
- 174 Silver
- 175 Gold
- 181 Tannic acid or tannins
- PRESERVATIVES (E200 to E299)
- [ संरक्षक / 防腐剂 / Conservantes / Conservatrices / Pengawet / Chất bảo quản / مواد حافظة / Konservierungsmittel / חומרים משמרים ]
- E200–E209 Sorbates
- 200 Sorbic acid
- 201 Sodium sorbate
- 202 Potassium sorbate
- 203 Calcium sorbate
- E210–E219 Benzoates
- 210 Benzoic acid
- 211 Sodium benzoate
- 212 Potassium benzoate
- 213 Calcium benzoate
- 216 Propylparaben or Propyl-p-hydroxy-benzoate
- 218 Methylparaben or Methyl-p-hydroxy-benzoate
- E220–E229 Sulfites
- 220 Sulphur dioxide
- 221 Sodium sulphite
- 222 Sodium bisulphite
- 223 Sodium metabisulphite
- 224 Potassium metabisulphite
- 225 Potassium sulphite
- 228 Potassium bisulphite
- E230–E239 Phenols and formates (methanoates)
- 234 Nisin
- 235 Natamycin or pimaricin
- E240–E259 Nitrates
- 243 Ethyl lauroyl arginate
- 249 Potassium nitrite
- E260–E269 Acetates (ethanoates)
- 250 Sodium nitrite
- 251 Sodium nitrate
- 252 Potassium nitrate
- E260–E269 Acetates (ethanoates)
- 260 Acetic acid, glacial
- 261 Potassium acetate or Potassium diacetate
- 262 Sodium acetate
- 262 Sodium diacetate
- 263 Calcium acetate
- 264 Ammonium acetate
- E270–E279 Lactates
- 270 Lactic acid
- E280–E289 Propionates (propanoates)
- 280 Propionic acid
- 281 Sodium propionate
- 282 Calcium propionate
- 283 Potassium propionate
- E290–E299 Others
- 290 Carbon dioxide
- 296 Malic acid
- 297 Fumaric acid
- [ एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, अम्लता नियामक / 抗氧化剂、酸度调节剂 / Antioxidantes, reguladores de acidez / Antioxidantes, reguladores de la acidez / Antioxydants, régulateurs d'acidité / Antioksidan, pengatur keasaman / Chất chống oxy hóa, chất điều chỉnh độ axit / مضادات الأكسدة، منظمات الحموضة / Antioxidantien, Säureregulatoren / נוגדי חמצון, מווסת חומציות ]
- E300–E305 Ascorbates (vitamin C)
- 300 Ascorbic acid
- 301 Sodium ascorbate
- 302 Calcium ascorbate
- 303 Potassium ascorbate
- 304 Ascorbyl palmitate
- E306–E309 Tocopherol (vitamin E)
- 307b Tocopherols concentrate, mixed
- 307 α-Tocopherol
- 308 δ-Tocopherol
- 309 γ-Tocopherol
- E310–E319 Gallates and erythorbates
- 310 Propyl gallate
- 311 Octyl gallate
- 312 Dodecyl gallate
- 315 Erythorbic acid
- 316 Sodium erythorbate
- 319 tert-Butylhydroquinone
- E320–E329 Lactates
- 320 Butylated hydroxyanisole
- 321 Butylated hydroxytoluene
- 322 Lecithin
- 325 Sodium lactate
- 326 Potassium lactate
- 327 Calcium lactate
- 328 Ammonium lactate
- 329 Magnesium lactate
- E330–E337 Citrates and tartrates
- 330 Citric acid
- 331 Sodium citrate
- 331 Sodium dihydrogen citrate
- 332 Potassium citrate
- 332 Potassium dihydrogen citrate
- 333 Calcium citrate
- 334 Tartaric acid
- 335 Sodium tartrate
- 336 Potassium tartrate or Potassium acid tartrate
- 337 Potassium sodium tartrate
- E338–E343 Phosphates
- 338 Phosphoric acid
- 339 Sodium phosphate, dibasic
- 339 Sodium phosphate, monobasic
- 339 Sodium phosphate, tribasic
- 340 Potassium phosphate, dibasic
- 340 Potassium phosphate, monobasic
- 340 Potassium phosphate, tribasic
- 341 Calcium phosphate, dibasic or calcium hydrogen phosphate
- 341 Calcium phosphate, monobasic or calcium
- dihydrogen phosphate
- 341 Calcium phosphate, tribasic
- 342 Ammonium phosphate, dibasic
- 342 Ammonium phosphate, monobasic or
- Ammonium dihydrogen phosphates
- 343 Magnesium phosphate, dibasic
- 343 Magnesium phosphate, monobasic
- 343 Magnesium phosphate, tribasic
- E344–E345 Citrates
- E349–E359 Malates and adipates
- 349 Ammonium malate
- 350 Sodium hydrogen malate
- 350 Sodium malate
- 351 Potassium malate
- 352 Calcium malate
- 353 Metatartaric acid
- 354 Calcium tartrate
- 355 Adipic acid
- 357 Potassium adipate
- 359 Ammonium adipates
- E360–E369 Succinates and fumarates
- 363 Succinic acid
- 365 Sodium fumarate
- 366 Potassium fumarate
- 367 Calcium fumarate
- 368 Ammonium fumarate
- E370–E399 Others
- 380 Ammonium citrate
- 380 Triammonium citrate
- 381 Ferric ammonium citrate
- 385 Calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate or calcium disodium EDTA
- 392 Rosemary extract
- [ गाढ़ा करने वाले, स्थिर करने वाले, पायसीकारक / 增稠剂、稳定剂、乳化剂 / Espessantes, estabilizantes, emulsificantes / Espesantes, estabilizadores, emulsionantes / Épaississants, stabilisants, émulsifiants / Pengental, penstabil, pengemulsi / Chất làm đặc, chất ổn định, chất nhũ hóa / مكثفات، مثبتات، مستحلبات / Verdickungsmittel, Stabilisatoren, Emulgatoren / מעבים, מייצבים, מתחלבים ]
- E400–E409 Alginates
- 400 Alginic acid
- 401 Sodium alginate
- 402 Potassium alginate
- 403 Ammonium alginate
- 404 Calcium alginate
- 405 Propylene glycol alginate
- 406 Agar
- 407 Carrageenan
- 407 a Processed eucheuma seaweed
- 409 Arabinogalactan or larch gum
- E410–E419 Natural gums
- 410 Locust bean gum or carob bean gum
- 412 Guar gum
- 413 Tragacanth gum
- 414 Acacia or gum arabic
- 415 Xanthan gum
- 416 Karaya gum
- 417 Tara gum
- 418 Gellan gum
- E420–E429 Other natural agents
- 420 Sorbitol or sorbitol syrup
- 421 Mannitol
- 422 Glycerin or glycerol
- E430–E439 Polyoxyethene compounds
- 431 Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate
- 432 Polysorbate 20 or Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate
- 433 Polysorbate 80 or Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate
- 435 Polysorbate 60 or Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate
- 436 Polysorbate 65 or Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate
- E440–E449 Natural emulsifiers
- 440 Pectin
- 442 Ammonium salts of phosphatidic acid
- 444 Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
- 445 Glycerol esters of wood rosins
- E450–E459 Phosphates
- 450 Potassium pyrophosphate
- 450 Sodium acid pyrophosphate
- 450 Sodium pyrophosphate
- 451 Potassium tripolyphosphate
- 451 Sodium tripolyphosphate
- 452 Potassium polymetaphosphate
- 452 Sodium metaphosphate, insoluble
- 452 Sodium polyphosphates, glassy
- 455 Yeast mannoproteins
- E460–E469 Cellulose compounds
- 460 Cellulose microcrystalline
- 460 Cellulose, powdered
- 461 Methyl cellulose
- 463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose
- 464 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
- 465 Methyl ethyl cellulose
- 466 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose
- E470–E489 Fatty acids and compounds
- 470 Fatty acid salts of aluminium, ammonia,
- calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium
- 471 Mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids
- 472a Acetic and fatty acid esters of glycerol
- 472b Lactic and fatty acid esters of glycerol
- 472c Citric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
- 472e Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
- 472f Mixed tartaric, acetic and fatty acid esters of glycerol or tartaric, acetic and fatty acid esters of glycerol (mixed)
- 473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids
- 475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
- 476 Polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid
- 477 Propylene glycol mono- and di-esters or Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids
- 480 Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate
- 481 Sodium lactylate
- 481 Sodium oleyl lactylate
- 481 Sodium stearoyl lactylate
- 482 Calcium lactylate
- 482 Calcium oleyl lactylate
- 482 Calcium stearoyl lactylate
- E490–E499 Others
- 491 Sorbitan monostearate
- 492 Sorbitan tristearate
- [ अम्लता नियामक, एंटी-काकिंग एजेंट / 酸度调节剂、抗结块剂 / 酸度调节剂、抗结块剂 / Reguladores de acidez, agentes antiaglomerantes / Reguladores de acidez, antiaglomerantes / Régulateurs d'acidité, antiagglomérants / Pengatur keasaman, zat anti penggumpalan / Chất điều chỉnh độ axit, chất chống đóng bánh / منظمات الحموضة، عوامل مضادة للتكتل / Säureregulatoren, Trennmittel / מווסת חומציות, חומרים נגד התגבשות ]
- E500–E509 Mineral acids and bases
- 500 Sodium bicarbonate
- 500 Sodium carbonate
- 501 Potassium bicarbonate
- 501 Potassium carbonate
- 503 Ammonium carbonate
- 503 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate
- 504 Magnesium carbonate
- 507 Hydrochloric acid
- 508 Potassium chloride
- 509 Calcium chloride
- E510–E519 Chlorides and sulfates
- 510 Ammonium chloride
- 511 Magnesium chloride
- 512 Stannous chloride
- 514 Sodium sulphate
- 515 Potassium sulphate
- 516 Calcium sulphate
- 518 Magnesium sulphate
- 519 Cupric sulphate
- E520–E529 Sulfates and hydroxides
- 526 Calcium hydroxide
- 529 Calcium oxide
- E530–E549 Alkali metal compounds
- 530 Magnesium oxide
- 535 Sodium ferrocyanide
- 536 Potassium ferrocyanide
- 541 Sodium aluminium phosphate
- 542 Bone phosphate
- E550–E559 Silicates
- 551 Silicon dioxide, amorphous
- 552 Calcium silicate
- 553 Magnesium silicate or Talc
- 554 Sodium aluminosilicate
- 555 Potassium aluminium silicate
- 556 Calcium aluminium silicate
- 558 Bentonite
- 559 Aluminium silicate
- 560 Potassium silicate
- E570–E579 Searates and gluconates
- 570 Stearic acid or fatty acid
- 575 Glucono δ-lactone or Glucono delta-lactone
- 576 Sodium gluconate
- 577 Potassium gluconate
- 578 Calcium gluconate
- 579 Ferrous gluconate
- E580–E599 Others
- 580 Magnesium gluconate
- 586 4-hexylresorcinol
- [ स्वाद बढ़ाने वाला / 增味剂 / Intensificador de sabor / Potenciador del sabor / Exhausteur de goût / Penambah rasa / Tăng hương vị / نكهة معززة / Geschmacksverstärker / משפר טעם ]
- E620–E629 Glutamates and guanylates
- 620 L-glutamic acid
- 621 Monosodium L-glutamate or MSG
- 622 Monopotassium L-glutamate
- 623 Calcium glutamate
- 624 Monoammonium L-glutamate
- 625 Magnesium glutamate
- 627 Disodium-5′-guanylate
- E630–E639 Inosinates
- 631 Disodium-5′-inosinate
- 635 Disodium-5′-ribonucleotides
- 636 Maltol
- 637 Ethyl maltol
- E640–E649 Others
- 640 Glycine
- 641 L-Leucine
- ANTIBIOTICS (E700 to E799)
- [ एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं / 抗生素 / Antibióticos / Antibiotiques / Antibiotik / Thuốc kháng sinh / مضادات حيوية / Antibiotika / אַנְטִיבִּיוֹטִיקָה ]
- 701 Tetracyclines
- 702 Chlortetracycline
- 703 Oxytetracycline
- 704 Oleandomycin
- 705 Penicillin G potassium
- 706 Penicillin G sodium
- 707 Penicillin G procaine
- 708 Penicillin G benzathine
- 710 Spiramycins
- 711 Virginiamycins
- 712 Flavomycin
- 713 Tylosin
- 714 Monensin A
- 715 Avoparcin: No longer permitted in the EU, and has NEVER been permitted for human consumption
- 716 Salinomycin
- 717 Avilamycin
- [ ग्लेज़िंग एजेंट, गैसें और मिठास / 上光剂、气体和甜味剂 / Agentes de revestimento, gases e adoçantes / Agentes de glaseado, gases y edulcorantes / Agents d'enrobage, gaz et édulcorants / Agen kaca, gas dan pemanis / Chất làm bóng, chất khí và chất làm ngọt / عوامل التزجيج والغازات والمحليات / Überzugsmittel, Gase und Süßstoffe / חומרי זיגוג, גזים וממתיקים ]
- E900–E909 Waxes
- 900a Polydimethylsiloxane or Dimethylpolysiloxane
- 901 Beeswax, white and yellow
- 903 Carnauba wax
- 904 Shellac
- 905b Petrolatum or petroleum jelly
- E910–E919 Synthetic glazes
- 914 Oxidised polyethylene
- E920–E929 Improving agents
- 920 L-cysteine monohydrochloride
- E930–E949 Packaging gases
- 941 Nitrogen
- 942 Nitrous oxide
- 943a Butane
- 943b Isobutane
- 944 Propane
- 946 Octafluorocyclobutane
- E950–E969 Sweeteners
- 950 Acesulphame potassium
- 951 Aspartame
- 952 Cyclamate or calcium cyclamate or sodium cyclamate
- 953 Isomalt
- 954 Saccharin
- 955 Sucralose
- 956 Alitame
- 957 Thaumatin
- 961 Neotame
- 960 Steviol glycosides
- 962 Aspartame-acesulphame salt
- 965 Maltitol and maltitol syrup or hydrogenated glucose syrup
- 966 Lactitol
- 967 Xylitol
- 968 Erythritol
- 969 Advantame
- E990–E999 Foaming agents
- 999 (i) Quillaia extract (type 1)
- 999 (ii) Quillaia extract (type 2)
- [ अतिरिक्त योजक / 附加添加剂 / Aditivos adicionais / Aditivos adicionales / Additifs supplémentaires / Aditif tambahan / Phụ gia bổ sung / إضافات إضافية / Zusätzliche Zusatzstoffe / תוספים נוספים ]
- E1100–E1599 New chemicals that do not fall into standard classification schemes
- 1001 Choline salts
- 1100 α-Amylase
- 1101 Proteases (papain, bromelain, ficin)
- 1102 Glucose oxidase
- 1104 Lipases
- 1105 Lysozyme
- 1200 Polydextrose
- 1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
- 1400 Dextrin roasted starch
- 1401 Acid treated starch
- 1402 Alkaline treated starch
- 1403 Bleached starch
- 1404 Oxidised starch
- 1405 Enzyme treated starches
- 1410 Monostarch phosphate
- 1412 Distarch phosphate
- 1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate
- 1414 Acetylated distarch phosphate
- 1420 Starch acetate
- 1422 Acetylated distarch adipate
- 1440 Hydroxypropyl starch
- 1442 Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate
- 1450 Starch sodium octenylsuccinate
- 1451 Acetylated oxidised starch
- 1505 Triethyl citrate
- 1518 Triacetin
- 1520 Propylene glycol
- 1521 Polyethylene glycol 8000
- 1522 Calcium lignosulphonate (40-65)
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- It is delivered by a trainer with first-hand knowledge and experience in high compliance operations where Food Safe also operates, such as the meat, dairy, and seafood sector. This allows us to transfer best practices.
Companies & Brands Food Safe works with:

For more information, call us on +64 9 2814226 or email [email protected]
- Food Safe Ltd is Accredited by the New Zealand Government + is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with Codex Guidelines.
- Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!
- Our training is science-based on New Zealand regulatory and globally recognised best practice including – MPI, FAO, FDA, EU
- Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here