New Zealand Government Accreditation for Food Safe Limited
We are pleased to announce that Food Safe Limited, has been assessed and accredited by the New Zealand Government.
This accreditation is in addition to our New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) Private Training Establishment (PTE) Category 1 Accreditation and an added, independent, governmental level quality assurance assessment that bench-marks Food Safe against six relevant standards that we successfully meet:
- Client-centred services ✔
- Governance and management structure and systems ✔
- Health and safety ✔
- Staffing ✔
- Resolution of complaints related to service provision ✔
- Financial management and systems ✔
It allows for Food Safe to work directly with the New Zealand Government and its subsidiaries, providing advice, employment and training services and also further reassures, other governments, our clients, companies, and people we work with year-on-year about the quality and governance standards of our organization. If you are looking for quality expertise, Food Safe can assist your organization training needs as well!
Here are some of the Companies & Brands Food Safe works with

For more information, call us on +64 9 2814226 or email [email protected]
Food Safe Ltd is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with Codex Guidelines
Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!
Our training is science-based on New Zealand regulatory and globally recognised best practice including – MPI, FAO, FDA, EU
Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here
Food Safe’s Training:
- Complements compliance requirements
- Is simplified and visual, and supportive of implementing learning back on-job
- Is delivered by a trained ISO 9001 & 22000 lead auditor
- It is delivered by a trainer with first-hand knowledge and experience in high
- compliance operations where Food Safe also operates, such as the meat, dairy, and seafood sector. This allows us to transfer best practice.
For more information, call us on +64 9 2814226 or email [email protected]