The passionate Venue Waiheke Team – from the entrepreneurs who started Charlie Farley’s

Food Safe trained the Venue Waiheke team prior to the launch of their exciting new restaurant opening.
Food Safe offers food safety and hygiene certificate training across New Zealand.
Here’s a video about this training:
This Food Safety Training includes:
- Effective personal hygiene when working with food validation of handwashing technique at training ( UV light verification test).
- Understanding the science of allergic reactions and food intolerance.
- Primary allergen groups and practice identification exercises.
- Effective allergen management tools in a food business.
- Key temperatures and recording temperature of high-risk food.
- Knowledge of hazards that cause foodborne illness and food spoilage in a food business.
- Knowledge of methods used to control hazards that cause foodborne illness and food spoilage in a food business.
- Identifying common examples of food safety risks.
- Pest control
- Criteria for council inspections/food grades during an audit
- Overview of legislation including the Food Standards Code 2002 and Food Act 2014 and how the law applies to food businesses
- Key elements of a Food Control Plan (FCP)
- Practice filling out key food safety records – Food Control Plan Diary
- Food Safe offers food safety and hygiene certificate training across New Zealand.
Food Safe has New Zealand’s highest and consistent trainee review ratings by both score and numbers.
- Google Business (4.9 stars/5 from over 350, year-on-year reviews) and
- Facebook (4.9 stars/5 from over 150, year-on-year reviews)
Don’t miss out!
For Mandarin readers:
从新西兰西海岸到怀赫科岛的食品安全培训。 热情的Venue Waiheke团队来自创办Charlie Farley的企业家。 Food Safe在2018年开业令人兴奋的新餐厅开业之前对团队进行了培训。
For Hindi readers:
न्यूजीलैंड के वेस्ट कोस्ट से वाइकेके द्वीप तक खाद्य सुरक्षा प्रशिक्षण। चार्ली फर्ले की शुरुआत करने वाले उद्यमियों से भावुक स्थान वाइके टीम। खाद्य सुरक्षा ने 2018 में अपने रोमांचक नए रेस्तरां खोलने के शुरू होने से पहले टीम को प्रशिक्षित किया।