Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training – NZQA Unit Standards
About our HACCP and Training Courses
Scroll down for all New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) HACCP training unit standard details:
HACCP Certificate Training; Level 3 – Unit Standard 28263: Describe requirements and responsibilities for monitoring food safety using HACCP in a food processing operation
Purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to, in a food processing operation: describe the requirements of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) in relation to food safety; describe individual responsibilities, processes, and control measures used for food safety; demonstrate knowledge of monitoring a food processing operation in accordance with a HACCP application; and identify and record corrective and preventative actions for situations where limits are exceeded as documented in a HACCP application.
Outcomes and performance criteria – Level 3:
- Describe the requirements of HACCP in relation to food safety in a food processing operation.
- Describe individual responsibilities, processes, and control measures used for food safety in a food processing operation.
- Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring a food processing operation in accordance with a HACCP application.
- Identify and record corrective and preventative actions for situations where limits are exceeded as documented in a HACCP application in a food processing operation.
Achieve: NZQA Standard 28263 Permanently on your CV & Record of Learning (ROL)
Advanced HACCP Certificate Training; Level 4 – Unit Standard 28264: Describe a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point application in a food processing operation
Purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to describe in a food processing operation: HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) as a means of identifying and controlling food safety hazards; the uses of critical control points and critical limits; the content of a HACCP application and good operating practice; actions are taken where critical limits are exceeded; and the verification, documentation, and record-keeping activities that confirm ongoing compliance and effectiveness of a HACCP application.
Outcomes and performance criteria – Level 4:
- Describe HACCP as a means of identifying and controlling food safety hazards in a food processing operation.
- Describe the use of critical control points and limits in a food processing operation.
- Describe a HACCP application and good operating practice for a food processing operation.
- Describe actions taken where critical limits are exceeded in a food processing operation.
- Describe the verification, documentation, and record-keeping activities that confirm ongoing compliance and effectiveness of a HACCP application, for a food processing operation.
Achieve: NZQA Standard 28264 Permanently on your CV & Record of Learning (ROL)
Advanced HACCP Certificate Training; Level 5 – Unit Standard 28265: Demonstrate knowledge of and undertake a HACCP application review in a food processing operation
Purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to, in a food processing operation, demonstrate knowledge of: HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) principles, other elements, and factors to achieve food safety; the types and sources of hazards relevant to food safety and their controls; the verification and review process for a HACCP application; the development and implementation of a HACCP application. They are also able to present, justify and defend a HACCP application that has been developed and/or implemented in a food processing operation.
Outcomes and performance criteria – Level 5:
- Demonstrate knowledge of HACCP principles, other elements, and factors to achieve food safety in a food processing operation.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the types and sources of hazards relevant to food safety and their controls in a food processing operation.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the verification and review process for a HACCP application for a food processing operation.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the development and implementation of a HACCP application for a food processing operation.
- Present, justify and defend a HACCP application that has been developed and/or implemented in a food processing operation.
Achieve: NZQA Standard 28265 permanently on your CV & Record of Learning (ROL)
HACCP Unit Standards Comparison
HACCP Unit Standard 28263 | HACCP Unit Standard 28264 | HACCP Unit Standard 28265 |
Duration: 1 Day | Duration: 1 Day | Duration: 2 Days |
For: All Food Sectors | For: All Food Sectors | For: All Food Sectors |
Suitable for: Operators | Suitable for: Supervisors | Suitable for: Senior Supervisors/HACCP Review Team Members |
Global standardization:
Yes, standardized to Global Codex Alimentarius & GFSI |
Global standardization:
Yes, standardized to Global Codex Alimentarius & GFSI |
Global standardization:
Yes, standardized to Global Codex Alimentarius & GFSI |
Course Content: | Course Content: | Course Content: |
Focus: Operator Monitoring & Verification, Corrective Action skills | Focus: Operator/Supervisor Monitoring & Verification, Corrective Action, Advanced RCA skills | Focus: Senior Supervisor/QA/Technical/Management: All + HACCP Plan Dev. + Review skills |
Unit Standard 28264 HACCP Training Certificate |
Unit Standard 28264 HACCP Training Certificate |
Unit Standard 28265 Advanced HACCP Training Certificate |
Criteria: Only for currently employed people working in New Zealand Food Companies | Criteria: Only for currently employed people working in New Zealand Food Companies | Criteria: Only for currently employed people working in New Zealand Food Companies |
Additional cost?
Yes (for on-job assessor time + NZQA Admin.) |
Additional cost?
Yes (for on-job assessor time + NZQA Admin.) |
Additional cost?
Yes (for on-job assessor time + NZQA Admin.) |
Requires: On-job verification (application of learning back on-job) | Requires: On-job verification (application of learning back on-job) | Requires: On-job verification (application of learning back on-job) |
Some of the Companies & Brands Food Safe works with

Here’s how Food Safe Collaborates with Food Companies:
For more information, call us on +64 9 2814226 or email [email protected]
Food Safe Ltd is Accredited by the New Zealand Government + is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with Codex Guidelines
Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!
Our training is science-based on New Zealand regulatory and globally recognised best practice including – MPI, FAO, FDA, EU
Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here
Food Safe’s Training:
- Complements compliance requirements
- Is simplified and visual, and supportive of implementing learning back on-job
- Is delivered by a trained ISO 9001 & 22000 lead auditor
- It is delivered by a trainer with first-hand knowledge and experience in high
- compliance operations where Food Safe also operates, such as the meat, dairy, and seafood sector. This allows us to transfer best practice.
For more information, call us on +64 9 2814226 or email [email protected]