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Food Defense Training including VACCP, TACCP, Food Integrity & Authenticity

Food Defense for learners, QC, QA, Management, and all review team members protecting food & packaging from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering

Course Cost: POA

About Food Defense Training

Food Defense is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering. It is also referred to by the FAO as protecting food integrity and ensuring its authenticity.

Food Safe’s Food Defense Training:

  • Reduces a company’s Food Defense risk the first time, proactively.
  • Includes entire FSMS and VACCP & TACCP
  • Covers Food Defense process steps, including Food Defense plan builder, template, and checklist
  • Immediately meets audit requirements including BRCGS Issue 9, FDA, FSANZ, Codex FAO Food Security, GFSI,  FSSC 22000 Version 6, SQF, and supplier requirements such as WSE Woolworths and McDonalds
  • NZQA Training PTE Approved by MPI, all auditors and verifiers
  • Provides a best-practice understanding, including all process steps for risk evaluation
  • Ensures your team understands ‘why’ in an enjoyable and practical way!

This course is suitable for:
Operators, QC, QA, Quality officers, Management, Technical & all HACCP, VACCP & TACCP review team members

Useful for: Entire food supply chain, from farm to fork including production, support services & packaging companies

Course Duration: One-day course

Options: Expert instructor-led online and on-site

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Based on 1028 reviews
Food Defense Training - VACCP & TACCP Training - Food Integrity and Authenticity Training

Course Content

Food Defense Training includes:

  • What is food defense, and why is it important?
  • What is VACCP & TACCP and how this fits with HACCP under a Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
  • Case study reviews of food safety threats and food vulnerabilities
  • Examples of Biological and Chemical Terrorism directed at food, globally and in other countries such as the USA, New Zealand & Australia
  • The UK Government Elliot Report 
  • Definitions and guidelines, such as PAS 96
  • Regulatory and certification programs requirements including BRCGS, FDA, FSANZ, Codex FAO Food Security, GFSI, and FSSC 22000
  • Food defense control measures include:
    • Vulnerability risk assessment approaches including an introduction to a simple risk matrix, SSAFE, and FDA CARVER+Shock Primer methodologies
    • Risk mitigation strategies
    • Food Defense Monitoring
    • Food Defense Corrective Action
    • Defense Verification
    • Reanalysis & continuous improvement
    • Food defense training and record keeping
  • Process steps risk evaluation
    • Raw material risk assessment
    • Purchasing
    • Inwards goods
    • Storage
    • Production/processing 
    • Packing
    • Dispatch
    • Distribution & Logistics
  • Best-practice template plan builder, and checklists
  • Practical review of your company’s food defense plans
  • External audit requirements for food defense penetration test best practice

All this is packaged in a fun and interactive way (don’t take just our word for it, read what our learners for over a decade have to say, by clicking on this link).

Food Defense Training
Food Defense VACCP and TACCP Training Food Security Training

Your lead-trainer

  • Food Safe’s Food Defense Training Courses are delivered by Food Safe’s Managing Director, Lead-trainer & Food Safety Expert, Keith Michael who holds:

    Keith has presented papers at the Food Safety Conferences in 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 and brings this cross-sector learning into training.

    Keith has over a decade of experience as a company director where he has assisted companies across the globe with Food Safety Compliance, Risk Audit, and closing of gaps identified with smart purpose-built competency training. View Keith’s profile on LinkedIn.

Keith Michael Food Safe

About Food Safe

Food Safe Ltd is Accredited by the New Zealand Government + is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with the Food Safety Bylaws and Verifier Audits right across New Zealand.

Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too! Our training is science-based on New Zealand regulatory and globally recognised best practice – MPI, FAO, FDA, EU

Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here

Why Choose us for your Training?

Food Safe’s Food Defense Training:

  • Complements compliance audit requirements by NZQA, Category 1 PTE, New Zealand’s highest training provider standard
  • Is simplified and visual, and supportive of implementing learning back on-job
  • Is delivered by a trained ISO 9001 & 22000 lead auditor
  • It is delivered by a trainer with first-hand knowledge and experience in high-compliance operations where Food Safe also operates, such as the meat, dairy, and seafood sector. This allows us to transfer best practices.
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Based on 1028 reviews
Quality Assurance Food Companies







How Food Safe collaborates with food companies to deliver food safety training



Register your Interest

Click the 'Enquire Now' button to register your interest. Please detail your requirements and include information like:
– Number of trainees
– Preferred time-frame
– Training location
You can also call 0800 003 097 or email [email protected] to request a course.


We will be in touch with you to discuss:
– Training dates
– Proposal and invoicing
– Training delivery

Booking Confirmed

Upon receipt of your payment, your booking will be confirmed.


Your trainer will advise if there is some self-learning to be done before your training date.

Training Day

Please arrive 15 minutes before your class starts.


What is Food Defense?

Food Defense is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering. Source: FDA

What is Food Integrity?

The status of a food product where it is authentic and not altered or modified with respect to expected characteristics including, safety, quality, and nutrition. Source: FAO

What is Food Authenticity?

Food authenticity is the quality of a food to be genuine and undisputed in its nature, origin, identity, and claims, and to meet expected properties. Source: FAO

What is Food Fraud?

Any deliberate action of businesses or individuals to deceive others in regards to the integrity of food to gain undue advantage. Types of food fraud include but not limited to: adulteration, substitution, dilution, tampering, simulation, counterfeiting, and misrepresentation. Source: FAO

What is Food Fraud as defined by GFSI and FSSC 22000?

Food Fraud is the collective term encompassing the intentional substitution, addition, tampering, or misrepresentation of food/feed, food/feed ingredients or food/feed packaging, labeling, product information, or false or misleading statements made about a product for economic gain that could impact consumer health (GFSI BRv7:2017). Source: GFSI

What is GFSI?

GFSI stands for Global Food Safety Initiative. (GFSI; the Coalition) is a Coalition of Action from The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), bringing together 45 retailers and manufacturers from across the CGF membership and an extended food safety community to oversee food safety standards for businesses and help provide access to safe food for people everywhere. Source: GFSI

What is Economically Motivated Adulteration (EMA)?

Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) is a subset of food fraud. It is the intentional substitution or addition of a substance in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production, for economic gain. Source: FAO

What is a Food Safety Management System or FSMS?

A Food Safety Management System or FSMS is a systematic approach to controlling hazards within a food business and supply chain in order to ensure that all food and packaging is safe and fit for purpose. All businesses are required to put in place, implement and maintain a FSMS based on total quality management and the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) with the methodology used to also proactively control vulnerabilities [Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Point (VACCP)] and threats [Threat Assessment Critical Control Point (TACCP)] Source: Bristol.Gov.UK

What is VACCP?

VACCP is the acronym for Vulnerability Assessment and Critical Control Points. The assessment, analysis and mitigation strategies
is on prevention of intentional adulteration for financial gain in the supply chain. For example: Honey adulterated with sucrose syrup for monetary gain.

What is TACCP?

TACCP is the acronym for Threat Assessment and Critical Control Points. The assessment, analysis and mitigation strategies is on prevention of intentional contamination for ideological and behavioral reasons in the food supply chain. For example: A threat to poison food.

What is Food Dilution?

The process of mixing a liquid ingredient with a high value with a liquid of a lower value. For example, watered-down products using non-potable / unsafe water or olive oil diluted with cheaper oil. Type of risk? Adulterant- substance (Adulterant) Source: FSSC 22000

What is Food Substitution?

The process of replacing an ingredient or part of a product of high value with another ingredient or part of a product of lower value. For example, Sunflower oil is partially substituted with mineral oil. Type of risk? Adulterant- substance or tampering. Source: FSSC 22000

Food Defense Resources

FSSC Food Defense Guidance Document – Source FSSC 22000

FSSC Food Defense Overview– Source FSSC 22000

Food Fraud Vulnerability – Source: SSAFE

Introduction: SSAFE Assessment tool

Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration – FDA

CARVER Plus SHOCK Method for Vulnerability Assessment – FDA

Employees FIRST Video – FDA

Front line employees training

Risk management ISO 31000ISO

A Risk Practitioners Guide – Source IRM

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